
What is a Drainage Basin? What type of system is it?
A Drainage Basin is the catchment area from which a river system obtains its water. The drainage basin is an open system with inputs and outputs of energy and matter.
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What is a Watershed?
A watershed is the imaginary line separating one drainage basin from another.
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What is precipitation?
All forms of moisture that reach the earth's surface.
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What is evaporation?
Evaporation is the transformation of water droplets into water vapour by heating.
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What is (Evapo)Transpiration?
The loss of water into the atmosphere from the leaves of plants.
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What is surface storage?
The total volume of water held on the earth's surface (lakes, ponds, puddles)
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What is groundwater storage?
The storage of water underground in permeable rock.
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What is infiltration?
The downward movement of water into the soil surface.
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What is throughflow?
The movement of water down slope within the soil layer.
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What is interception?
The prevention of rain from reaching the earth's surface by trees and plants.
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What is stemflow?
The water that runs down the stems and branches of plants after rain to reach the ground.
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What is throughfall?
The water that drips off leaves during a rainstorm.
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What is percolation?
The transfer of water from the soil to the bedrock beneath.
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What is interception?
The process by which raindrops are prevented from directly reaching the earth's surface.
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What is an input?
The movement of water into the drainage basin.
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What is an output?
The movement of water out of the drainage basin.
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What is a store?
A store holds water within the drainage basin.
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What is the equation for The Water Balance?
P=Q+E+ - change in storage (P =precipitation , Q=Run-off, E= Evapotranspiration_
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Describe a 'Flashy' hydrograph
Short lag time, High peak discharge and a Steep rising limb.
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Describe a 'Flat' hydrograph
Long lag time, Low peak discharge and a gently sloping rising limb
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What are the 3 main categories of transportation?
Bedload, Suspended load and Solution/Dissolved load
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What are the 4 processes of transportation, and what do they each do?
Traction - Rolls boulders along the river bed. Saltation - Pebbles are bounced along the bed. Suspension - Material is carried along by the river. Solution - Dissolved minerals in the water.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A watershed is the imaginary line separating one drainage basin from another.


What is a Watershed?

Card 3


All forms of moisture that reach the earth's surface.


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Card 4


Evaporation is the transformation of water droplets into water vapour by heating.


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Card 5


The loss of water into the atmosphere from the leaves of plants.


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