
Where does the river flow from and to?
It flows from the source (where it starts flowing) to the mouth (where they meet with the sea).
1 of 8
What does the energy of the river link to?
The energy links to the speed of the river. The faster the river, the more energy it has while the slower the river, the less energy it has.
2 of 8
What happens when the river is fast?
It breaks away little by little (erodes) the bank and bed creating the load, sand + stones.
3 of 8
What happens when the river is slow?
It drops the load on the bank and bed. We say that it has deposited it. It just drops it here and there.
4 of 8
What are the three sections of a valley? Cross Profile
Upper Course, Middle Course, Low Course
5 of 8
What is the Upper Course?
It has steeper sides and a narrow path for the water to flow. V shaped.
6 of 8
What is the Middle Course?
It is wider than the Upper Course and has gentle slopes.
7 of 8
What is the Low Course?
It is has broad, wider, flat floors with a wide path for the water to flow.
8 of 8

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Card 2


What does the energy of the river link to?


The energy links to the speed of the river. The faster the river, the more energy it has while the slower the river, the less energy it has.

Card 3


What happens when the river is fast?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens when the river is slow?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the three sections of a valley? Cross Profile


Preview of the front of card 5
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