
  • Created by: MyaE
  • Created on: 16-05-17 13:32
what is a force?
A force changes the speed,the direction and the shape.
1 of 5
How do we find resultant force?
You takeaway the numbers on each side from each other and then what ever the number is put and end and an arrow up or down.
2 of 5
What is energy transfer?
Engergy transfered = power x time in (j) or (kwh)
3 of 5
what are the 3 types of forces?
Push,pull and twist
4 of 5
What is magnesium + oxygen?
Magnisium oxide
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do we find resultant force?


You takeaway the numbers on each side from each other and then what ever the number is put and end and an arrow up or down.

Card 3


What is energy transfer?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the 3 types of forces?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is magnesium + oxygen?


Preview of the front of card 5


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