Restless Earth - Volcanoes

  • Created by: 12BE
  • Created on: 17-04-17 16:02
What plate boundaries are volcanoes associated with?
Constructive and destructive plate margins
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Where are the most destructive volcanoes found?
Destructive plate boundaries
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Where is there lots of volcanic activity?
The Pacific Ring of Fire
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What is Iceland?
A volcanic island situated on a constructive plate margin
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Why are not all volcanoes found on plate boundaries?
Some volcanoes are formed on hot spots
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What are hot spots?
Thin parts of the earth's crust
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What are the three types of volcano?
Composite, Shield and Dome volcanoes
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What is a composite volcano?
Tall cone with a narrow base and steep sides, made of alternate layers of ash and thick lava. Eruptions can be very violent but are often irregualr with long dormant periods
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What is a shield volcano?
Cone-shaped but with a wide base and gentle slopes. Made of runny lava only and has frequent eruptions but with little violence
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What is a dome volcano?
Tall cone with a narrow base and steep sides, made of thick, slow lava
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Name three ways to predict a volcanic eruption
GPS and tilt-meters monitor ground deformation. Seisometers measure small tremors, Scientists measure the amount of sulfur and radon gas released.
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Name a composite volcano
Mount Fuji, Japan
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Name a shield volcano
Mauna Loa, Hawaii
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Name a dome volcano
Mount Pelée, Caribbean
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What is a magma chamber?
A large underground pool under a volcano that holds magma
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What is a crater?
A bowl shaped basin in the top of the volcano
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What is a vent?
A tube going through a volcano. Magma travels through this tube
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What are secondary cones?
An eruption thats happens from other vents may build up the secondary cones on the flanks
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What is a pyroclastic flow?
A flow of volcanic ash, dust and debris that cascades down a volcanic slope reaching speeds of 60 mph and 80°C
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What is a lahar?
A mudflow created by volcanic ash mixing with melted ice or water
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What is a lava bomb?
A block of lava ejected into the air from a volcano that cools and spins, causing the block to be rounded
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What is tephra?
Fragments of rock ash and lava erupted from a volcano
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where are the most destructive volcanoes found?


Destructive plate boundaries

Card 3


Where is there lots of volcanic activity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Iceland?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why are not all volcanoes found on plate boundaries?


Preview of the front of card 5
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