Respiration-The Krebs Cycle

Where does the Krebs cycle take place?
The mitochondrial matrix
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What does the krebs cycle do?
Breaks down an acetyl group through decarboxylation, dehydrogenation and phosphorylation
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Describe the first step in the krebs cycle
The acetyl CoA delivers the acetyl group (2C) into the krebs cycle, which combines with OXALOACETATE (4C) to form CITRATE (6C)
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Describe the second step
Citrate undergoes decarboxylation (CO2 taken) and dehydrogenation (Hydrogen removed), producing one reduced NAD (taken up hydrogen), carbon dioxide and a 5C molecule
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Describe the third step
The 5C molecule undergoes further decarboxylation and dehydrogenation to produce 1 reduced NAD, carbon dioxide and a 4C molecule
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Describe the forth step
The 4C molecule undergoes dehydrogenation, producing reduced NAD and FAD, and also undergoes substrate-level phosphorylation to produce ATP
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From 1 molecule of glucose, what is produced in the krebs cycle?
6 reduced NAD, 2 reduced FAD and 2 ATP (1 molecule of glucose is 2 turns of the cycle)
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What are coenzymes used for in respiration?
To transfer protons, electrons and functional groups between enzyme-catalyzed reactions
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Describe 4 differences of NAD and FAD
NAD takes place in all stages of respiration-FAD only in krebs, NAD accepts 1 H-FAD accepts 2 H, NADH is oxidised at the beginning of electronTC-FADH further along, NADH synthesises 3 ATP-FAD synthesises 2
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Where do coenzymes usually come from?
Vitamins that we consume
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the krebs cycle do?


Breaks down an acetyl group through decarboxylation, dehydrogenation and phosphorylation

Card 3


Describe the first step in the krebs cycle


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the second step


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the third step


Preview of the front of card 5
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