  • Created by: Lizelledp
  • Created on: 31-03-21 14:10
Definition of Respiration?
The Process by which energy is produced from food.
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What is Respiration?
The breakdown of nutrient molecules to release energy.
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What does Respiration do?
Releases energy
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Name the 2 types of Respiration?
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration
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What is Aerobic Respiration?
Where cells uses oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy.
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What is Oxidation?
Where the food molecules are combined with oxygen.
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What happens in the Oxidation process?
The oxidation converts the carbon to carbon dioxide and the hydrogen to water and at the same time sets free energy which the cell can use to drive other reactions.
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What is the Aerobic Respiration equation?
glucose + oxygen
carbon dioxide +water + 2830kJ
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What is Anaerobic Respiration?
The process of producing cellular energy without using oxygen.
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Where does Anaerobic Respiration takes place?
In Muscles, plant cells and in Yeast
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What is Fermentation?
Where the chemical reactions in food is not completely oxidised to carbon dioxide and water
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What is anaerobic respiration called in yeast cells?
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What happens to muscles during vigorous exercise?
The glucose in the muscle cells convert to lactic acid
The lactic acid builds up in the muscles and causes muscle fatigue and cramps.
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What happens in yeast when Anaerobic respiration takes place?
The glucose converts to alcohol and carbon dioxide
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What is Lactic acid?
An acid that builds up in your body
during vigorous exercise.
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What does the lactic acid do to your muscles during vigorous exercise?
If it is not broken down it lowers the
pH of your body that causes a
burning sensation and fatigue in you muscles.
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What is yeast?
A single celled fungus that
consumes simple sugars and then
produces carbon dioxide and alcohol.
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When does organisms respire?
All the time
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When does plants respire?
Plants respire and photosynthesise
during the day and only respire
at night.
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Why does respiration needs the action of enzymes in cells?
Because respiration reactions are
controlled by enzymes.
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What do the enzymes do during respiration?
The enzymes help to transfer electrons
from one molecule to another.
This will make a molecule more
oxidised and another more reduced.
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On what will the rate of respiration depends on?
On the conditions that influence
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What energy is used in the Body's of Humans?
Muscle contraction
Protein Synthesis
Cell division
Constant body temperature
Passage of nerve impulses
Active Transport
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Respiration?


The breakdown of nutrient molecules to release energy.

Card 3


What does Respiration do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the 2 types of Respiration?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Aerobic Respiration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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