Representation of Men and Women

Sapir-Wharf 1973
linguistic determinism, language determines how we are able to think about the world
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Stanley 1973
220 terms for promiscuous females, only 20 for men
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Schulz 1975
semantic derogation, words marked for females become perjorated, "language reflects the culture that constructs the language"
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Stanley 1977
negative semantic space, jobs marked to identify them as female, suggests women can't do these jobs
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Spender 1980
language is androcentric, built in bias towards men, language built by men because society controlled by men
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Miller and Swift 1980
biased press, researched language of press, drew attention to emphasis on physical characteristics and age in reference to women, women behaved irrationally and emotionally
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Baker and Freebody 1989
reading books bias, analysed frequency of occurence of different words to refer to male and female characters, girls="little" "pretty", boys="tiny" "brave" "naughty", mothers=verbs like "dress" "hug", "kiss", fathers=actions "paint" "fix" "drive"
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Hoey 2005
lexical priming, words and phrases have undercoat layer, built from habitual use in same contexts, words strongly collocate with each other, primed to replicate these contexts in subsequent encounters, some words associated with women others with men
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Paul Baker 2008
always hetrosexual, interested in representation of gender beyond male/female binary distinction, texts will always assume a heterosexual discourse
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Card 2


220 terms for promiscuous females, only 20 for men


Stanley 1973

Card 3


semantic derogation, words marked for females become perjorated, "language reflects the culture that constructs the language"


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Card 4


negative semantic space, jobs marked to identify them as female, suggests women can't do these jobs


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Card 5


language is androcentric, built in bias towards men, language built by men because society controlled by men


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