Religious Studies Flashcards

  • Created by: Naethan
  • Created on: 17-05-17 19:49
Name the 5 pillars of Islam
Shahadah, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj
1 of 43
What does Hajj involve?
It involves going to Mecca on a pilgrimage
2 of 43
What is the minimum amount of times that you need to complete Hajj?
Once in a lifetime
3 of 43
What is Shahadah?
The declaration of the Muslim faith
4 of 43
Name the pillar which involves giving to charity
5 of 43
How much of your income should you use in Zakat?
6 of 43
What is Salat?
It is praying five times a day
7 of 43
Where does a Muslim face when praing?
They face Mecca
8 of 43
What is the Minbar?
It is the top 2 steps of a staircase, the first one being reserved for Allah and the second for the Imam
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What is Sawm?
It is fasting during the month of Ramadan
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What are the towers of a mosque called?
11 of 43
What is the name of the person who carries out the prayer calls?
The muezzin
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What is the function of the qiblah wall?
It is where Mecca is
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What is the name of the clothes worn by the people who perform Hajj? What does it represent?
The clothes are called Ihram and it is to represent equality among the people on Hajj
14 of 43
When does the fasting in Sawm start and end and for how long is it?
The fasting starts at sunrise and ends at sunset and lasts for a month
15 of 43
Where was Jesus born?
16 of 43
Name the 3 types of miracles that Jesus performed
Exorcisms, healing and natural miracles
17 of 43
Give an example of a natural miracle that Jesus performed at Cana
Water into wine, etc
18 of 43
Where was most of Jesus' miracles performed?
Sea of Galilee
19 of 43
What was the first miracle that Jesus did?
Water into wine at the marriage at Cana
20 of 43
What are the murtis?
The deities
21 of 43
What is the name of the worship place of the Hindus?
22 of 43
What does the word Mandir mean?
The place where the mind stands still
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What is the name of the towers?
24 of 43
What do the flags represent?
They show the individuality of the Mandirs
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What is pradakshina?
Going around the Inner Sanctum anit-clockwise as a form of devotion
26 of 43
What is the haveli?
The courtyard
27 of 43
What does the moat represent?
It represents purity
28 of 43
What is the name of the people that take care of the Mandirs?
29 of 43
What is the Garbha Griha?
It is the name of the Inner Sanctum
30 of 43
What is the quality of the food that is offered to the murtis?
They are pure and clean
31 of 43
What is puja?
Worship/ prayer at home
32 of 43
What is needed for the five senses in puja?
A candle for light; incense sticks for smell; food for taste; murtis for touch and the bell for sound
33 of 43
What is the name of the festival that is celebrated at spring?
34 of 43
What does Diwali represent?
It represent the victory of good over evil/ light over darkness
35 of 43
Who is the goddess that visits peoples' houses at Diwali?
36 of 43
What is the name of the patterns and decorations at Diwali?
Rangoli patterns
37 of 43
In which festival does all types of people come together to have fun?
38 of 43
What is the name of the demon that is associated with Holi?
39 of 43
What did Holika try to do?
She tried to burn Prahlad in a big bonfire
40 of 43
What is the festival that is related to Yom Kippur?
Rosh Hashanah
41 of 43
What is a Rosh Hashanah a time for?
42 of 43
What are the lamps burnt on Diwali called?
43 of 43

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Hajj involve?


It involves going to Mecca on a pilgrimage

Card 3


What is the minimum amount of times that you need to complete Hajj?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Shahadah?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the pillar which involves giving to charity


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Bored Of Revision


Great help but just check your spelling on some of the Arabic terms

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