Religious Experience


1. What type of vision has no image, yet people claim to 'see things how they really are'? The mystical visions are ineffable, enlighten the soul and are hard to understand.

  • Intellectual
  • Imaginative
  • Corporeal
  • Mystic
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Other questions in this quiz

2. What are some issues with mysticism specifically?

  • Elitist (although Vatican II disputes saying it requires dedication), ineffability makes them not real
  • Vatican II says mystical experiences are a gift open to all, yet only some choose to take upon the discipline required

3. What are two examples of imaginative visions? (dream, vivid, illuminates soul, affects victim)

  • Pharoah's dream and Josephs dream
  • Josephine's dream and Phil's dream
  • Joan of Arc and Bernadette
  • Bernadette and Pharoah's dream

4. How does Otto summarise numinous feelings? (fearful and attractive mystery, numinous feelings are impossible to stop/prevent, fear, fascination...)

  • Fascinatias et mysterio tremor
  • Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
  • Mysterio tremememe
  • Corporeal visions

5. What is Swinburne's principle of credulity?

  • People are reliable
  • Believing people's personal experiences, how things seem to someone is how they were
  • Not believing someone because they're liars, and often mistaken


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