Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice PAPER 2

social justice
christian views:
old ? condemns injustice and look forward to a ? society
"let justice roll on like a ?"
jesus stressed the need to ? others "love your ? as yourself"
old testament condemns injustice
fairer society
"let justice roll on like a river"
help others "love your neighbour as yourself"
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social justice
buddhist views:
people should try to ? the suffering of others
through social justice ?, expressing ? and bringing ? together
Engaged Buddhism is a movement that tackles social ?
relieve the suffering of others
through social justice projects, expressing compassion and bringing communities together
Engaged Buddhism is a movement that tackles social injustice
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christian views on gender prejudice:
? used to were not allowed to be leaders of the church
"? should remain silent in churches"
catholic argue that men and women are equal, but have different ? in church
some argue churches should reflect the importance
women were not allowed to be leader of church
"women should remain silent in churches"
catholic: men and women are equal but have different roles in church
some argue churches should reflect importance of equality in society today
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buddhist views on gender prejudice:
the buddha ordained monks/nuns
today, some traditions ordain ? and ?
the Dalai Lama said that there was no reason why a ? Dalai Lama could not be a ?
some buddhist schools ordain ?
theravada: nuns are more/less respecte
buddha ordained nuns
some traditions ordain men and women
Dalai Lama said there's no reason why a future Dalai Lama could not be a woman
some buddhist schools ordain women
theravada: nuns are less respected than monks
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christian views on sexuality:
some think heterosexual relationships that lead to ? are what god intended
believe ? relationships are sinful
others think they are morally ? and it's not loving to condemn people for it
heterosexual relationships that lead to procreation are what god intended
believe homosexual relationships are sinful
others think they are morally acceptable
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buddhist views on sexuality:
no buddhist teaching says ? relationships are wrong
? precepts regard to any couple, regardless of sexual ?
no teaching says homosexual relationships are wrong
moral precepts regards any couple, regardless of sexual orientation
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christian views on freedom of religion:
encourages tolerance and ?
religions should not ? each other
"live at ? with everyone"
encourages tolerance and harmony
religions should not fight with each other
"live at peace with everyone"
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buddhist views on freedom of religion:
encourages people to listen to ? of other religions with ?
very few traditions try to ? others to become buddhists
people are usually free to ? as much as they wish
"? to practice or not practice"
encourages to listen to teachers of other religions with respect
very few traditions try to persuade others to become buddhists
free to practice as much as they wish
"freedom to practice or not practice"
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christian views on disability discrimination:
doesn't demonstrate equality or ?
in the bible, jesus helped the disabled by ? them
"love your ? as yourself"
doesn't demonstrate equality or love
jesus helped disabled by healing them
"love your neighbour as yourself"
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buddhist view on disability discrimination:
no teachings on it
? applies to those who are suffering in any way
compassion applies to those who are suffering in any way
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christian views on racism:
all people are ?
races used to be kept ? from black people
christians like dr ? luther king persuaded their ? that racist policies were unfair and needed to be ?
all people are equal
races used to be kept apart from black people
dr martin luther king persuaded their government that racist policies were unfair and needed to be changed
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buddhist views on racism:
loving ? means racism is not acceptable
loving ? should be developed towards everyone
loving kindness
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christian views on wealth:
wealth is a ? from god
but also associated with ?
"for the love of ? is the root of all ?"
gift from god
but also associated with greed/selfishness
"for the love of money is the root of all evil"
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buddhist views on wealth:
matters ? someone got their money, their ? towards it and what they do with it
? go of wealth is a way of overcoming ?
their ? is not achieved through wealth but ?
matters how someone got their money, their attitude towards it and what they do with it
letting go of wealth is a way of overcoming attachment
their happiness is not achieved through wealth but achieved through enlightenment
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christian views towards using wealth:
those with excess money should give it to the ?
wealth should be used to help those in ?
the parable of the rich man and lazarus ends with the rich man in ? for not sharing his wealth with the ?
parable of the sheep a
give it to the church
help those in need
parable of rich man and lazarus: rich man in hell for not sharing his wealth with the poor
parable of sheep and goats: those who help the poor are rewarded with a place in heaven
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buddhist views towards using wealth:
provide ? and satisfaction for themselves and others
keep themselves ?
to give ? to monks, nuns or poor
one's wealth should ? others
to give ? without expecting anything in return
provide pleasure and satisfaction for themselves and others
keep themselves safe
to give offerings to monks, nuns or poor
one's wealth should benefit others
to give freely without expecting anything in return
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causes of poverty:
debt, ? and natural ?
natural disasters
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christian views on poverty:
"the one who is ? to work shall not eat"
believe its important to ? those in need
but also help themselves by ?
but realise some are unable to do so
"the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat"
believe its important to help those in need
but help themselves by working
but realise some are unable to do so
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buddhist views on poverty:
all poverty deserves ?
but people should have a responsibility to themselves to create ? needed for a healthy life
deserves compassion
people should have a responsibility to themselves to create conditions needed for a healthy life
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christian responses on fair pay:
most support fair pay as it contributes to an ? society
"do not ? the poor because they are poor"
contributes to an equal society
"do not exploit the poor because they are poor"
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buddhist responses on fair pay:
balance profit with ?
taking workers' time and energy without paying a fair wage goes against the ? moral precept (to abstain taking what has not been freely given)
balance profit with ethics
against the second moral precept (to abstain taking what has not been freely given)
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buddhist views on interest and loans:
making money by exploiting the poor is one of the three poisons, ? and against the ? moral precept
each person has a responsibility to create ? for a healthy life
one of the three poisons, greed and against the second moral precept
each person has a responsibility to create conditions for a healthy life
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christian views on people-trafficking:
goes against "love thy ? as yourself"
"love thy neighbour as yourself"
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buddhist views on people-trafficking:
goes against ? precepts
the buddha criticised the caste system in India which forced the poor to work in ? conditions for ? money
goes against moral precepts
buddha criticised the caste system in India which forced the poor to work in bad conditions for little money
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pros about giving short-term aid:
helps ? in short term
displays compassion and ?

cons about short term aid:
does not tackle causes of ?
make people ? on whoever is giving aid
helps survival in short term
displays compassion and kindness

does not tackle causes of poverty
make people reliant on whoever is giving aid
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pros about giving long-term aid:
people become more self-?
helps to solve ? of poverty

cons about long-term aid:
may take ? to have an effect
doesn't help with short-term ?
become more self-reliant
helps to solve causes of poverty

may take time to have an effect
doesn't help with short-term survival
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christian responses to giving aid:
? by god to look after the world and poor
duty to "love thy ? as yourself"
balance providing ? help and using their own ? to get them out of poverty
responsibility by god
duty to "love thy neighbour as yourself"
balance providing immediate help and using their own to get them out of poverty
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buddhist responses on aid:
generosity and ?
should give ?, without expecting anything else in return
give what will be of ?
generosity and compassion
should give freely, without expecting anything in return
give what will be of help
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


social justice
buddhist views:
people should try to ? the suffering of others
through social justice ?, expressing ? and bringing ? together
Engaged Buddhism is a movement that tackles social ?


relieve the suffering of others
through social justice projects, expressing compassion and bringing communities together
Engaged Buddhism is a movement that tackles social injustice

Card 3


christian views on gender prejudice:
? used to were not allowed to be leaders of the church
"? should remain silent in churches"
catholic argue that men and women are equal, but have different ? in church
some argue churches should reflect the importance


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


buddhist views on gender prejudice:
the buddha ordained monks/nuns
today, some traditions ordain ? and ?
the Dalai Lama said that there was no reason why a ? Dalai Lama could not be a ?
some buddhist schools ordain ?
theravada: nuns are more/less respecte


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


christian views on sexuality:
some think heterosexual relationships that lead to ? are what god intended
believe ? relationships are sinful
others think they are morally ? and it's not loving to condemn people for it


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