Religion and social change

This includes, words and definitions, theologies and explanations and names of sociologists.

  • Created by: grestabi
  • Created on: 09-10-18 22:33
4 examples of Religion as a conservative force
1) 'pro-life' religious groups - against medical advances 2) eastern religions and islam - arranged marriages 3) promotes consensus - 'sinners' don't conform 4) Upholds traditional roles - expressive and instrumental.
1 of 5
Weber's argument
believed religion can cause social change - he used the example of Calvinism, in Northern Europe in 16th amd 17th centuries, creating modern capitalism.
2 of 5
The beginning of Calvinism arose because...
Protestants destroyed all visible signs of wealth from the Churches as they felt they needed to ask God personally for Forgiveness, not through indulgences and material things.
3 of 5
Explain how 'Predestination' relates to Calvinism
'Predestination' - Calvinists believed that the Bible contained verses which implied 'predestination' - God already knows who is going to Heaven and Hell.
4 of 5
Explain how 'Divine Transcendence' relates to Calvinism
5 of 5

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Card 2


believed religion can cause social change - he used the example of Calvinism, in Northern Europe in 16th amd 17th centuries, creating modern capitalism.


Weber's argument

Card 3


Protestants destroyed all visible signs of wealth from the Churches as they felt they needed to ask God personally for Forgiveness, not through indulgences and material things.


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Card 4


'Predestination' - Calvinists believed that the Bible contained verses which implied 'predestination' - God already knows who is going to Heaven and Hell.


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Card 5




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