Religion and Social Change

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 24-11-22 16:44
what is religion as a force of social change?
religion can be a revolutionary face which can lead to society changing in structure or belief system
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which sociologist argued that social change acted as a way to move to capitalism and how?
Weber argued that in the 16th century everyone thought god pre-selected who was going to heaven, if someone was rich/the elect, they would be going to heaven. as a result ppl started working hard to live a 'good christian life' and in the process-
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continuing w previous card
-gained vast amounts of wealth, and as they didn't believe in spending the money (in religion) they would reinvest their bus. that would only gain them more wealth, therefore creating a cycle of capitalism
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how did the allow social change to occur?
this allowed social change to occur as the profits being reinvested the business were being used ethically and spreading the teachings of Christianity such as asceticism and salvanitc panic
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name the evaluations of this
-calvinism was not the only factor responsible for the development of capitalism
-capitalism also occurred in some places when there was no calvinism ie Roman Catholic italy
-also calvinism in places where there was little capitalism ie Scotland
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(neo-marxism) how can social change be a dual character and which sociologists said this?
give an example of this
Engels argued it had a conservative force but could also challenge the status quo
-Hinduism, the caste system inspired a huge social change in the Indian nationalist movement ie w Gandhi's campaign against British empire
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what did another sociologist say that religion can do?
.Bloch- religions offers hope of a heaven on earth view, a glimpse of utopia, with the idea that to strive for a better heaven, they will also strive for a better society, which essentially leads to social change for the better
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what did another sociologist say and what did they argue?
Gramsci argued that the mc have a hegemony that controls wc ideology and can be controlled w the IRA (Althusser) that religion helped do, but the wc can create a counter-hegemony where religious leaders (organic intellectuals) can help rebel
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give an example of a counter hegemony
Us civil rights movements led by MLK jrs which encouraged poc too 1. take a moral high ground, 2. use christian verses to encourage equality, 3. use churches to hold meetings which included prayers at time, this all helped the campaign
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what is another example of the counter-hegemony?
Liberation theology- Maduro found churches would help countries like Guatemala and El Salvador to fight against militarily dictatorships, example is Romero an archbishop that came up with schemes to help the poor and spoke against the political campaigns
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name the evaluations of this
-civil rights questioned as as movement was multi faith and broadly secular, not as religious
-outdated theories that dont take into consideration of secularisation
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what do feminists think about religion as social change?
.daly- religions rejects patriarchy and creates idea of divine feminine through ie goddesses
.woodhead- growth of alternative forms of spirituality, gives women confidence
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what is the evidence for religion acting as a conservative force?
.rise of fundamentalism in face of globalisation + changing social attitudes
.new Christian Right- challenges abortion and lgbtq rights
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name the evaluation
-other marxists argue religion has a dual purpose in aiding revolution
-many religions differ in ideas about social progress
-religion states becoming more progressive in 21st century due to globalisation
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Card 2


which sociologist argued that social change acted as a way to move to capitalism and how?


Weber argued that in the 16th century everyone thought god pre-selected who was going to heaven, if someone was rich/the elect, they would be going to heaven. as a result ppl started working hard to live a 'good christian life' and in the process-

Card 3


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Card 4


how did the allow social change to occur?


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Card 5


name the evaluations of this


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