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6. what do roman catholics accept?

  • euthanasia
  • evolution
  • abortion
  • babies

7. What part of the bible is the creation story from?

  • genesis
  • ezaurus
  • psalms
  • matthew

8. what word means someone who believe that the creation story is an allegroy(a story with a messege/ meaning)and not factually correct?

  • non literalists
  • pacifists
  • literalists
  • creationists

9. what word means the study of the origins of the world?

  • cosmology
  • cosmic
  • deity
  • exploration

10. what bible quote supports that animals should not be harmed by humans?

  • "harm is sinful"
  • "thou shall not harm"
  • "thou shall not kill"
  • "you may not kill them"

11. what word means having a duty to take care if the earth

  • stewardship
  • rule
  • creationism
  • carress

12. what is the word for believing the creation story is word for word true?

  • believer
  • creation
  • creationism
  • deity