Religion & Life

What is abortion?
deliberate ending of a pregnancy, intended to prevent a new life
1 of 20
What is afterlife?
beliefs about what happens to us after we die
2 of 20
What are animal rights?
beliefs that animals should be treated with respect
3 of 20
What is awe?
a sense of wonder, often linked to the feeling that God is involved with a particular topic
4 of 20
What is the big bang theory?
the scientific theory about the origins of the universe
5 of 20
What is creation?
the belief that God created the world from nothing
6 of 20
What is conception?
the point at which the sperm fertilises the egg to start a pregnancy
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What is conservation?
the practice of repairing and protecting the environment
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What is dominion?
the belief that human have been given control of the world
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What is euthanasia?
ending the life of a person who is terminally ill or has a degenerative illness
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What is evolution?
the scientific theory of the development of species
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What is a hospice?
a place of medical care for the dying that also gives emotion support to their families
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What is a pesticide?
chemicals used to kill pests
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What does pro-life mean?
the stance of being anti-abortion or anti-euthanasia
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What does pro-choice mean?
the stance of being for women's rights to decide what happens to her own body
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What is the quality of life?
how good a person's life is
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What is the right to die?
the belief that a person has a right to end their life
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What is the sanctity of life?
every life is sacred
18 of 20
What is stewardship?
the duty given by God to look after the world
19 of 20
What is sustainable energy?
resources that are renewable and won't run out
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


beliefs about what happens to us after we die


What is afterlife?

Card 3


beliefs that animals should be treated with respect


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


a sense of wonder, often linked to the feeling that God is involved with a particular topic


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


the scientific theory about the origins of the universe


Preview of the back of card 5
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