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6. Annulment

  • Erasing of a marriage (Catholic)
  • Legal union of two same-sex people
  • Legal Ending of marriage
  • Sexual purity; not having sex before marriage

7. Artificial Contraception

  • A promise
  • Condoms, Pill, Femidom
  • A non-religious marriage
  • When a couple live together before marriage

8. Conventional

  • Traditional; old-fashioned
  • Not having sex at all
  • Legal Ending of marriage
  • A way of preventing pregnancy

9. Contraception

  • An agreement between two sides
  • A way of preventing pregnancy
  • Traditional; old-fashioned
  • An agreement or promise with God (e.g. marriage)

10. Age of Consent

  • Civil Marriage
  • Sexual purity; not having sex before marriage
  • The legal age when sex is allowed (UK = 16)
  • Condoms, Pill, Femidom

11. Divorce

  • A promise
  • Legal union of two same-sex people
  • Legal Ending of marriage
  • A way of preventing pregnancy

12. Compassion

  • Legal union of two same-sex people
  • Acting out of care for someone (e.g. compassionate divorce)
  • Traditional; old-fashioned
  • An agreement or promise with God (e.g. marriage)

13. Civil Partnership

  • Legal union of two same-sex people
  • Traditional; old-fashioned
  • A way of preventing pregnancy
  • When a couple live together before marriage

14. Chastity

  • Sexual purity; not having sex before marriage
  • Legal union of two same-sex people
  • A non-religious marriage
  • Acting out of care for someone (e.g. compassionate divorce)

15. Cohabitation

  • Acting out of care for someone (e.g. compassionate divorce)
  • Traditional; old-fashioned
  • When a couple live together before marriage
  • Commitment

16. Civil Marriage

  • A promise
  • An agreement between two sides
  • A non-religious marriage
  • Legal union of two same-sex people