Regeneration Keywords

  • Created by: laurace_
  • Created on: 27-03-18 18:08
Primary sector
Raw materials and crops e.g. Farming, Mining and forestry
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Secondary sector
Manufacturing products and processing goods e.g. Factory work, ship building, steel works
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Tertiary sector
Providing services (either in the private or public sector) e.g. retail, tourism, healthcare
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Quaternary sector
Providing specialist services e.g. Lawyers, Bankers, IT services
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Quinary sector
Highest levels of decision making, includes top business executives and not profit organisations e.g. Prime-minister, Cabinet lead university professors, High achieving scientists
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Full time employment
Working at a regular schedule for 35 hours or more per week (UK)
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Part-time employment
Irregular shifts and less than 35 hours per week
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Permanent employment
Regular employees who receive holiday pay and pensions
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Temporary employment
Only remain in the position for a designated short period of time
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Working as a freelance owner of a business
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Geographical spaces shaped by individuals and communities over time
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Rural-urban continuum
The unbroken transition from sparsely populated or remote rural areas to densely populated urban places
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Long term upgrading of existing places, or renewal schemes for deregulated areas (both urban and rural) to improve their socio-economic viability. Includes the preservation of a specific identity linked with re-branding.
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Location quotient
A ratio that helps that shows specialisation in data distribution of employment types. A value equal or close to 1 shows that national and local patterns are similar e.g. retail. A value over 1 shows a type of employment that is concentrated locally.
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Gross value added
Measures the contribution to the economy of each individual producer, industry or sector (used in calculating GDP)
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Postcode lottery
The uneven distribution of personal and national health services, especially in terms of metal health, cancer diagnosis and emergency elderly care.
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Glasgow effect
Impacts of poor health linked to deprivation
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Quality of life
Level of social and economic well-being that individuals and communities experience. Various indicators include; health, education, income, recreation and leisure time.
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Standard of living
The income of a community or individual. (smaller focus than Quality of life)
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The movement of people, capital, information and resources.
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Inter-generational cycle
Educational underachievement and poor health may be passed on from parents to children through generations.
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(Either social or economic)It occurs when benefits don't extend to all areas of society. High inequality reduces potential economic growth so regeneration focuses on changing that.
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Spatial inequality
Differences across places at varried scales. e.g within a neighborhood, street, city, region or country.
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Negative Multiplier
A downwards cycle where economic conditions produce less spending and less incentive for businesses, which then further reduces opportunities e.g. what happened in the rust belt
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Index of Rurality - Extreme rural
Very remote or almost unpopulated areas e.g. Northern Lake district
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Index of Rurality - Intermediate rural
Still very rural with small villages and towns e.g. South Devon
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Index of Rurality - Intermediate non-rural
Growing urban influence e.g. Bedfordshire and Northhamptonshire
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Index of Rurality - Extreme non-rural
Rural-urban fringe areas (mostly around London) e.g. Berkshire
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Rural diversification (Public and private)
Economic development in rural areas where new activities are introduced to generate new revenue streams and job opportunities in order to counteract traditional declining primary sector industries.
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Farm Diversification
Farmers are given guidance from the UK government on how to diversify their business via alternative agricultural projects or creation of farms parks e.g. Fishers Farm
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Regional Aid
Small areas with incentives that are branded to attract specific companies and organisations.
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Local Enterprise Zone
Small areas with incentives that are branded to attract specific types of companies or organisations discounts, planning free environments and fast broadband (Areohub has 100Mbps)
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Regional Aid
Guidelines are set out so member states can grant state aid to companies to support investments in less advanced regions, e.g in the economic periphery
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Public investment
Tax and public funds that are then redistributed into infrastructure and investment e.g. Stratford 2012 Olympic park
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Private Investment
Funded by private businesses and investors (mostly retail-led) e.g. Westfield shopping center
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Gated community
A form of (residential) community that has safely controlled entrances with closed perimeter walls and a gated entrance
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Sink estate
British council housing estates characterised by high levels of deprivation (social and economic)
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Commuter villages
A town who's residence mostly commute to work elsewhere, only basic services e.g. shops and schools, and houses remain are in the area
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Voter apathy
A lack of care from voters about elections which leads to a low voter turnout, its usually caused by areas with higher deprivation
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The marketing aspect of regeneration designed to attract businesses, residence and visitors (includes re-imaging)
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Making a place more attractive to live or visit and more desirable to invest in
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The basic physical systems in a place. Economic infrastructure includes - roads, energy, water/sewage and communication networks. Social Infrastructure includes - housing, hospitals and schools
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The process of drilling underground into shale gas stores and extracting them to the surface
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The removal of regulations and restrictions mainly on specific areas of industry
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Science park
An area, usually linked with a university, where there is a base of private companies' offices, especially ones concerned with technology
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Composite indicator
An indecator that collects more than one value to determine a ranking e.g HDI and GII
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Derelict Land
Land that has become damaged by industrial or other development and is beyond beneficial use without demolition or regeneration
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Manufacturing products and processing goods e.g. Factory work, ship building, steel works


Secondary sector

Card 3


Providing services (either in the private or public sector) e.g. retail, tourism, healthcare


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Card 4


Providing specialist services e.g. Lawyers, Bankers, IT services


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Card 5


Highest levels of decision making, includes top business executives and not profit organisations e.g. Prime-minister, Cabinet lead university professors, High achieving scientists


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