Reforms of the Directory and the 1795 Constitution

Why was the new constitution flawed?
1) It lacked leadership and direction. 2) The Directory could not declare war, make peace or influence the government. 3) The Council of Ancients could only pass or veto a bill.
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What was the decree of two-thirds?
Two thirds of Council deputies had to have sat on the National Convention meant that there was no opportunity for the government to be balanced.
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What happened in February 1796?
The assignat was abolished and then in 1797 all paper currency was abolished and there was a partial return to a natural economy.
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What happened in September 1797?
The Directory said it could only pay off debts to creditors by issuing them with state bonds. Two thirds of state debt was wiped out, and annual spending was decreased by 160 million livres but the Directory was met with criticism.
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What caused the Vendemaire Rising in October 1795?
Royalists were irritated by the decree of two-thirds, and the Directory had failed to deliver France from famine. A crowd of 25,000 gathered in Paris to seize power.
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How was the rising crushed?
Through the authority of Napoleon Bonaparte, who used a technique called 'grapeshot'. 600 government troops and 800 rebels were killed.
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Who was Gracchus Babeuf and what did he want?
A left wing radical who advocated land redistribution to help the poor.
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How many readers did Babeuf's newspaper have?
Called Le Tribun du Peuple, with 500 subscribers. His influence outside Paris was very small.
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What did Babeuf do?
Encouraged a mutiny within the ranks of one battalion of the Paris police in March 1796; it was squashed by Director Carnot.
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What happened in the 1797 elections?
Royalists won 180 out of 260 seats, due to people's dissatisfaction with the Directory government.
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What happened to the Directory in 1797?
Letourner, a republican director, was removed and replaced by a royalist sympathiser. Lazare Carnot became increasingly conservative.
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What happened in September 1797?
Barras and Napoleon planned to remove the royalist influence from the Directory. Soldiers removed 53 royalist deputies. 177 in total were removed from government.
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What was the effect of the Coup of Fructidor?
Ensured the dominance of the Directory, but by overturning the election results it delegitimised its authority.
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Card 2


What was the decree of two-thirds?


Two thirds of Council deputies had to have sat on the National Convention meant that there was no opportunity for the government to be balanced.

Card 3


What happened in February 1796?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened in September 1797?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What caused the Vendemaire Rising in October 1795?


Preview of the front of card 5
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