Other questions in this quiz

2. What is meant by relative deprivation?

  • Feeling less deprived than those around you
  • Feeling deprived in relation to those around you
  • Feeling deprived

3. Who did a study into Xero-tolernace policing in New York?

  • Lemert
  • Young
  • Murray
  • Kelling

4. How do right realists tackle crime?

  • 1) police forming better relationships with the community 2) multi-agency approach 3) tackling inequality of opportunity
  • 1) Zero-tolerance policy 2) Target hardening 3) military policing
  • 1) more police officers 2) broken windows theory 3) military policing

5. What are the three causes of crime according to right realists?

  • 1) Biological differences 2) socialisation and the underclass 3) rational choice theory
  • 1) marginalisation 2) Subcultures 3) relative deprivation
  • 1) the underclass 2) relative deprivation 2) marginalisation


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