Reactions to events 1763-1774

Political reaction to the stamp act?
- Patrick Henry VA resolves stated that the stamp act was wrong and this was endorsed by 8 colonies.
-9 colonists attended the stamp act congress in NY in 1765.
-'no taxation without representation'
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From below reaction to the stamp act?
- Effigies of Bute and governor Bernard hung on liberty tree and burnt.
-Tarring and feathering stamp distributors.
-a mob destroyed Olivers office and then destroyed his house, he stepped down.
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economic reactions to stamp act?
-Sons of liberty appealed to the public to not buy British good. Boycotting GB goods.
-1765 merchants in NY signed agreement to not import GB goods unless stamp act repealed.
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Intellectual reaction to the stamp act?
-Didn't really have any reactions pamphlets made however.
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Political reaction to the Townshend duties?
1768 Ma circular letter denounced 'no taxation without representation' work of sam Adams and James Otis.
7 colonists accepted letter.
Va created their own circular letter.
-Governor Bernard tried to stop MA circular letter but they refused, he dissolved
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From below reaction to Townsend duties?
- Boston massacre 1770 Christopher spider killed in the crowd his funeral was used publicly as an example.
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Intellectual reaction to the Townshend duties?
-John Dickinson wrote letters of a Pennsylvanian farmer 1768 argued they can't tax without their consent.
-Determentus also known as sam Adams wrote in Boston Gazette.
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Economic reaction to the Townshend?
-1768 Boston boycott organised an economic boycott.
-merchants imposed non importation.
-Merchants who did not comply to the new rules had their warehouses broken into and damaged and also risked being tarred and feathered.
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Card 2


- Effigies of Bute and governor Bernard hung on liberty tree and burnt.
-Tarring and feathering stamp distributors.
-a mob destroyed Olivers office and then destroyed his house, he stepped down.


From below reaction to the stamp act?

Card 3


-Sons of liberty appealed to the public to not buy British good. Boycotting GB goods.
-1765 merchants in NY signed agreement to not import GB goods unless stamp act repealed.


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Card 4


-Didn't really have any reactions pamphlets made however.


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Card 5


1768 Ma circular letter denounced 'no taxation without representation' work of sam Adams and James Otis.
7 colonists accepted letter.
Va created their own circular letter.
-Governor Bernard tried to stop MA circular letter but they refused, he dissolved


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