RE - Marriage

  • Created by: Ben1Ben1
  • Created on: 12-04-17 11:09
What are the conditions for a catholic marriage? (3 points)
It must be freely chosen not just because the parents want it, The bride and groom must be free to marry, and the marriage should be open to the possibility of having children.
1 of 10
What does a catholic marriage need to be? (5 points)
Hetrosexual, exclusive, life-giving, permanent, sacramental
2 of 10
The church believes that when a man and woman join together sexually they....
Become one flesh
3 of 10
Give a quote about the Catholic Church teaching on sex and relationships
"The sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage" - Catechism of the catholic church
4 of 10
What does the Catholic Church think might happen to a child as it grows up if it is born with unmarried parents?
The child may not revived the stability of family life as it is growing up
5 of 10
What does the Catholic Church think having many partners means about the person?
It shows that they only have a temporary commitment
6 of 10
What does the Catholic Church think of casual sex?
It expresses little/temporary love ❤️
7 of 10
What are the five reasons for the breakdowns of marriages?
Being unfaithful, family strains, emotional/physical abuse, mid-life crisis, addictions
8 of 10
Give a quote about Christian views of adoption and fostering
"Love thy neigbor" or "whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcome me" Jesus
9 of 10
Give three reasons why Christian's like adoption and fostering
It's helping someone less fortunate, it is bringing someone into a happy and healthy Christian family and some people may not be able to have children, so this is a way.
10 of 10

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Card 2


What does a catholic marriage need to be? (5 points)


Hetrosexual, exclusive, life-giving, permanent, sacramental

Card 3


The church believes that when a man and woman join together sexually they....


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give a quote about the Catholic Church teaching on sex and relationships


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the Catholic Church think might happen to a child as it grows up if it is born with unmarried parents?


Preview of the front of card 5
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