R&J (RSC) Contextual Quotes

  • Created by: Kiera
  • Created on: 06-06-19 13:09
WHYMAN says she finds the play...
"I find the play, personally, genuinely exciting"
1 of 7
WHYMAN says "there is a sense...
... that the play is about us, now"
2 of 7
WHYMAN believes that "the grown ups...
... have let the young people down"
3 of 7
WHYMAN says the thrust stage allows for...
"big, epic gestures"
4 of 7
FISHWICK (Juliet) describes the production as...
"Shaking things up" and "young people should hold onto their spirit and not let it get squashed"
5 of 7
BALLY GILL (on knife crime)
"Have we moved that far?"
6 of 7
JOSEPHINE describes Mercutio as...
"an honest, raw, messy human" "an adrenaline junkie"
7 of 7

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Card 2


... that the play is about us, now"


WHYMAN says "there is a sense...

Card 3


... have let the young people down"


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Card 4


"big, epic gestures"


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


"Shaking things up" and "young people should hold onto their spirit and not let it get squashed"


Preview of the back of card 5
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