Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pour changer ta ville? or What have you done to change your town?

  • Created by: Denim-1
  • Created on: 01-12-19 14:40
L'annee derniere, j'ai lance une petition en ligne
Last year I launched a petition online
1 of 12
Pour construire un batiment pour la jeunesse
To construct a building for young people
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J'ai obtenu presque 2000 signatures
I have received nearly 2000 signatures
3 of 12
J'ai collecte de l'argent
I have collected money
4 of 12
Vendu mes vieux jeux et jouets
Sold my old games and toys
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De plus, je lave des voitures
In addition, I washed cars
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Et achete de la peinture
And I bought paintings
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Et plante des arbres dans ma quartier
And planted trees in my area
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J'ai ecrit un article dans le journal local
I have written an article in the local paper
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Le weekend prochain, nous irons la-bas pour ramasser les dechets
Next weekend we will go there to pick up litter
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Et nettoyer la salle, repeindre les murs
And clean the room, repaint the walls
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La semaine prochaine, on finira d'installer un batiment
Next week, we will finish installing a building.
12 of 12

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Card 2


To construct a building for young people


Pour construire un batiment pour la jeunesse

Card 3


I have received nearly 2000 signatures


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


I have collected money


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Sold my old games and toys


Preview of the back of card 5
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