
Who are the 4 members of Queen?
Freddie Mercury, Brian Mae, John Deacon, Roger Taylor
1 of 34
What are the 3 types of guitar?
Bass guitar, Rhythm guitar, Lead guitar
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What is a Single?
A song released that will later appear on an album. Usually 2 songs.
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What is a 7 inch/Vinyl?
Has 2 sides, side A has main single, and side B has an unused song.
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What structure is used?
Verse Chorus
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what is the Cycle of 5th chord sequence?
Where you play the cycle of 5th anticklockwise ( bar 44-48)
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What is Vaudeville?
An over the top comedic style, where the words do not make sense.
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What is a chord symbol?
A letter that dictates the key of the triad. A minor triad has a letter m after the letter
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What is an extended/added chord?
Any chord that is not a triad, e.g B7.
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What is portamento?
A vocal slide.
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What is a melisma?
where a word uses more than one syllable.
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What is word painting?
Where the music sells the meaning of the words.
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How are perfect cadences used?
At the end of sections, used for modulations.
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Where and when is a pedal used?
Bar 57 to 61, there is a dominant (V) pedal, with a Bb chord in the key Eb major
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What is an anacrusis?
Where the melody starts before the first beat of the bar.
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Is this piece syncopated? How?
Yes, they start singing off beata s well as using syncopated ties to make the melody feel off beat.
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Are there any rhythmic motifs?
Yes, there is a rhythmic motif repeated in bar 6,7,8,13,16,20,21,etc..
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Describe the rhytm and melody of the gutar solo
The rhythm and melody is based loosely on the rhythmic motif and the vocal melody.
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What ornament is used?
acciccaturas in bar 23,24 etc.
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What is sonority?
The sound quality
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What is the difference between picking and strumming?
Picking is where you pick at the notes and strumming is where you make a thicker sound form chords, moving your fingers across the strings.
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What is a pitch bend?
Pitch bend is where you slide your finger to alter the sound (bar 30,50 signalled by, ^)
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What is a guitar slide?
Where you move your finger up or down a threat.
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What is vibrato?
It is where you wobble the strings to create a wobbly sound.
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What does a flanger do?
A wooshing sound.
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What does a WahWah do?
A wawa sound created.
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Wat is a distortion?
Where the notes are distorted, grungy sound.
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What is a pull off?
When a note is sound is on a guitar using the fretting hand.
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What is multitrack?
When you layer different parts on top of each other, that are recorded separately.
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What is overdubbing?
When you layer down tracks on top of each other.
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What is panning?
It is where you control what comes out of each speaker.
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What is antiphony?
It is where a call and response between the speakers.
32 of 34
What is a 10 inch/LP?
A large play record has an A and B side, usually 12 songs.
33 of 34
Describe the phrases
The phrases are irregular lengths, which contrasts with the simple structure.
34 of 34

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 3 types of guitar?


Bass guitar, Rhythm guitar, Lead guitar

Card 3


What is a Single?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a 7 inch/Vinyl?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What structure is used?


Preview of the front of card 5
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