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Card 16


You have conducted a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and have a significance level of p=0.06. What do you conclude?


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Card 17


You are interested in whether there is a significant difference between males and females in the number of shoes owned. You have a sample of 40 males and 65 females in your study. You have conducted Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and have a significance level o


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Card 18


You have conducted a t-test to determine if there is a significant difference between chimpanzees (n=30) and 4-year old children (n=30) in the time taken to complete a simple puzzle. Your results are as follows:

Chimpanzee mean (±SD) = 45.5 (±3.8) secon


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Card 19


A study has been carried out to determine if male non-smokers sleep for longer than smokers. Data on sleep length (minutes) and smoking status has been collected. You have conducted normality tests and looked at the Levene’s test result for the data. The


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Card 20


You would like to know if adults reduce their spending on clothes after the purchase of a house. A group of adults have had their monthly spending on clothes assessed (£) before and after purchasing a house using a mortgage. You have conducted normality t


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Card 21


You want to know if alcohol consumption is greater in women over 40 compared to women aged 18-39? Data on alcohol consumption (units per week) from women aged 18-75 has been collected and the data split into two groups based upon age. You have conducted n


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Card 22


A researcher has gathered information on reading comprehension in children before and after starting music lessons. The researcher believes that learning to play a musical instrument will improve reading comprehension. Data on reading comprehension (% sco


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Card 23


A scatterplot can be used to show


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Card 24


The correlation between two variables A and B is 0.12 with a significance of p =0.01. What can we conclude?


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Card 25


A correlation of 0.5 would produce a scatterplot in which the slope:


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