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6. In the 2nd study how many out of the 193 patients were judged to be pseudopatients by at least once by a member of staff?

  • 43
  • 23
  • 19

7. This failure may be because doctors have a strong bias towards a type 2 error - they are more inclined to call a healthy person sick than a sick person healthy. TRUE or FALSE?

  • True
  • False

8. What did the behaviour of the staff in study 3 show?

  • The patients were depersonalised, because contact was avoided.
  • That there was a great relationship between the staff and patients.
  • That the patients were never ignored and their needs were always taken into account.

9. Who concluded that psychiatric diagnoses are largely arbitrary and drive by a 'zeal to prescribe'?

  • Slater
  • Sarbin & Mancuso
  • Spitzer
  • Kety

10. Does langwieler and Linden (1993) support, contradict or develop Rosenhan's research?

  • Develop
  • Support
  • Contradict

11. In what year did Spitzer carry out his study?

  • 1984
  • 1987
  • 1976
  • 1675