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6. How many human infants were there? and ages?

  • 36, 6-14 months
  • 37, 6-15 months
  • 37, 6-14 years
  • 36, 6 - 18 months

7. 21 human infants crawled on to deep side. TRUE or FALSE? how many did?

  • FALSE, 3.
  • TRUE
  • FALSE 27

8. The lambs, chicks and kids never hopped or stepped on to the deep side, even at 1 day old. TRUE or FALSE

  • True
  • False

9. What percentage of turtles preferred the shallow side?

  • 89%
  • 76%
  • 61.9%
  • 0.7%

10. Does Schwarts et al (1973) Support, Develop or Contradict?

  • develop
  • contradict
  • support

11. What year was Witherington et al's study conducted?

  • 1998
  • 2005
  • 1989
  • 1960

12. Bower at el (1970), the experiment was abandoned early, because the infants got so upset by the smaller, closer disc. TRUE or FALSE

  • True
  • False