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6. Give one strength of the statistical infrequency defintion

  • the criteria is too strict and narrow
  • it's more objective than the other definitions: this means behaviour is easily generalised to other people
  • you can establish cause and effect

7. Describe one limitation of the statistical infrequency definition

  • It has good internal validity: uses experiments which involve controlled and standardised procedures
  • problem with misdiagnosis: certain behaviours are statistically common e.g. approx 10% of the population will experience depression
  • it's subjective: means the definition is subject to bias interpretation of what is abnormal

8. Name one strength of Jahoda's definition

  • can be easily replicated
  • culture bias
  • Comprehensive and takes a positive view: big range of factors makes it a good tool for establishing mental health
  • good internal validity

9. What are the criteria in Jahoda's 'Deviation from ideal mental health'

  • positive attitudes towards the self; observer discomfort; environmental competence; autonomy; lack of potential for development; accurate perception of reality
  • positive attitudes towards the self; potential for growth; autonomy; accurate perception of reality; environmental competence; resistance to stress
  • negative attitudes towards the self; tiredness; autonomy; observer discomfort

10. What is a problem with the 'deviation from social norms' definition

  • Lack of standardised procedure: means the definition has a lack of control so lacks internal validity
  • It is culturally relative: social norms differ between culture, so lacks generalisability
  • The criteria is not comprehensive: cannot be used as a way of describing abnormality

11. What are the four characteristics a person must have to be claimed 'abnormal' according to 'Failure to Function'

  • unpredictability, tiredness, irrationality, environmental competence
  • Suffering + personal distress, irrationality, unpredictability, observer discomfort
  • suffering + personal distress, irrationality, environmental competence, tiredness
  • irrationality, smoking habits, sadness, observer discomfort