Psychology Conformity and Stress


1. What are the 3 stages of hardiness training?

  • Focusing, Reconstruction of stress situations, Self-improvement
  • Concentration, Reliving the stressful event, Belief in oneself
  • Thinking, Remembering, Will to change
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. Who was the researcher that looked at the effect of immunosuppression in medical students?

  • Janet Kiecolt-Glaser (1984)
  • Nadia Garnefski (2004)
  • Dr Randy Sansome (2003)

3. What is compliance?

  • Publicly but not privately, going along with majority influence to gain approval
  • Public and private acceptance of majority influence in order to gain group acceptance
  • Public and acceptance of majority influence in order, due to adoption to the majority's belief system

4. What are the three stages of Stress Innoculation therapy?

  • Assessment, Findings, Application and followthrough
  • Assessment, Stress-reduction techniques, Application and follow through
  • Reason, Findings, Application

5. What is the definition of Informational Social Influence

  • A motavational force to look to others for guidance in order to be correct
  • A motavational force to be liked and accepted by a group
  • The unpleasant feeling of anxiety created by simultaneously holding two contradictiry ideas




Would be good but you spelt 'motivational' wrong in two out of the three answers on the last question :) 

Helpful quiz though, loved it.


Callum Read


thank you max, i appreciate your constructive criticism and will use it to further benefit any quizzes i undertake in the near future  

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