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6. Who demonstrated the process of operant conditioning?

  • Tizard
  • Skinner
  • Pavlov

7. What are the two different types of cultures we talk about when we are discussing cultural variations in attachment?

  • Traditional and Modern
  • Individualists and Collectivists
  • Communalists and Solidaritists

8. In the type of conditioning that Pavlov demonstrated with dogs, if we apply this to babies, then what does the baby associate the mother with?

  • The warmth of the mother
  • The feeling of pleasure from being fed
  • The smell of food

9. What is one piece of research that supports Bowly's theory?

  • Schaffer and Emerson's Glasgow infants
  • Hazan and Shaver's adults romantic attachments
  • The Czech Twins

10. Who identified the 4 characteristics of the attachment tie?

  • Lorenz
  • Maccoby
  • Ainsworth