Psychology - Social Influence

Conformity - Yielding to group pressure
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This is where you go along with the majority, even if you don't share their views. Some people do this to appear 'normal', going against the majority might lead to exclusion/rejection from the group - normative social influence (NSI)
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This is going along with the majority ,and believing in their views. May happen in an unfamiliar situation, where you don't know what is the 'correct' way to behave is - informational social influence (ISI)
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Conforming to what's expected of you to fulfil a social role, meaning changing your behaviour as you want to fit a specific role in society or trying to imitate the behaviour of a role model
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Informational Social Influence (ISI)
We agree with the opinion of the majority as we believe that they are correct. This is most likely to occur in an ambiguos situation, where we are not sure what is right and what is wrong
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Normative Social Influence (NSI)
We agree with the opinion of the majority as we want to be accepted, gain social approval and/or to be liked
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Sherif (1935) - the autokinetic effect (ISI research support)
Labatory experiment, uses a visual experiment where a stationary spot of light viewed in a dark room appears to be moving. When asked how far the dot moved individually, answers widely varied, however when asked in groups people changed their answers
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Asch (1951) - the line experiment (NSI research support)
Lab experiment, he showed participants in a group of 6-8 confederates (who were instructed to give wrong answers in 12-18 trials) two cards one with a standard line and three comparison lines and were instructed to verbally give their answers. 37%
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Zimbardo et al (1973) - Standford prison experiment
Male students were recruited to act as prisoners/guards in a mock prison, randomly assigned, + their behaviour was observed. Prisoners were arrested throughout the day + booked in. Guards given own uniform + mirror sunglasses (Deindividuation)
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Card 2


This is where you go along with the majority, even if you don't share their views. Some people do this to appear 'normal', going against the majority might lead to exclusion/rejection from the group - normative social influence (NSI)



Card 3


This is going along with the majority ,and believing in their views. May happen in an unfamiliar situation, where you don't know what is the 'correct' way to behave is - informational social influence (ISI)


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Card 4


Conforming to what's expected of you to fulfil a social role, meaning changing your behaviour as you want to fit a specific role in society or trying to imitate the behaviour of a role model


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Card 5


We agree with the opinion of the majority as we believe that they are correct. This is most likely to occur in an ambiguos situation, where we are not sure what is right and what is wrong


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