Psychology: social influence

What does normative social influence mean?
It is the emotional response to an situation where the person does not want to feel left out, so agrees with the majority. This is linked to compliance.
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What is informational social influence?
It is the cognitive response where the individual looks to those who appear intelligent.Linked to internalisation.
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Who thought of the snowball effect?
Van Avermaet 1996
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What is the snowball effect?
The minority has small significance but gains support so becomes much larger
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What is crypto-amnesia?
The minorities opinion has become dominant in society and people do not remember where the opinion originated.
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Who invented NSI and ISI?
Deutsch and Gerald 1955
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Card 2


What is informational social influence?


It is the cognitive response where the individual looks to those who appear intelligent.Linked to internalisation.

Card 3


Who thought of the snowball effect?


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Card 4


What is the snowball effect?


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Card 5


What is crypto-amnesia?


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