Psychology - Research methods

  • Created by: Zosh
  • Created on: 19-04-23 17:03
What is Covert?
When people don't know when they are being watched
1 of 17
What is Overt?
When people know when they are being watched
2 of 17
What is inter-rater reliability?
The extent to which different people doing an observation agree with each other
3 of 17
What is computer analogy?
Humans input process then output information
4 of 17
What is compliance?
when individuals conform to the majority view, but don't believe the view privately
5 of 17
What is identification?
when individuals conform but only in the presence of the majority group
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What is internalisation?
when individuals conform to the majority view, even without the presence of the group
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What are structured interviews?
when everyone has the same questions
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What are unstructured interviews?
when the questions are not pre-determined and they are run more like a conversation
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What are semi-structured interviews?
when some questions are the same and some are different depending on the first question
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What are laboratory, naturalistic and field experiments?
lab - a fake situation with high control
naturalistic - when the IV is natural (e.g. age)
field - a real life setting
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What is a random sample and what are the steps?
Everyone has an equal chance of being chosen
1) record all the names
2) put the name into a hat
3) pick one name out (without replacement)
4) repeat
+reduces bias
- more time consuming
12 of 17
What is a opportunity sample and, what are the positives and negatives?
Inviting people to take part in a study
+ quick and easy
- bias
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What is a volunteer sample and, what are the positives and negatives?
Asking for volunteers to a large amount of people to take part in a study
+ quick and easy
- bias
14 of 17
What is a stratifies random sample and what are the steps?
Break population into groups
1. identify groups within a population
2. calculate the population of (e.g. M vs F)
3. calculate the proportion in the sample
4. put the 5 males in a hat and select one
5. repeat for other group
+ reduces bias
- time consuming
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What is a systematic sample and what are the positives and negatives?
Invite every nth person
+ quick
- bias
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What are independent measures, repeated measures and matched pairs?
Independent - compare 2 different groups
repeated - use the same people twice
matched pairs - 2 similar groups
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Overt?


When people know when they are being watched

Card 3


What is inter-rater reliability?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is computer analogy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is compliance?


Preview of the front of card 5
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