psychology psychodynamic

  • Created by: tassss
  • Created on: 18-09-22 20:11
who and when was the theory created?
in 1896 by sigmund freud
1 of 7
what is the role of unconscious?
two roles, conscious mind is what you see and visible whereas unconscious is what dictates that
2 of 7
what is the structure of personality?
three types, 'id' can be described as impulsive and contains libido, 'ego' which is compromise between the two, 'super ego' is the good behaviour not doing anything that would look bad
3 of 7
what was defence mechanism?
believe that the mind actively presents traumatic experiences as it may cause anxiety it supresses it so they aren't aware of them
4 of 7
what are the types of mechanisms?
displacement is redirecting of thoughts or feelings away from what made one uneasy, denial/repression is when one cant process what has happens and rejects it, regression refers to the unconscious body which blocks thoughts and repressed thoughts impact i
5 of 7
what are the psychosexual stages?
shows that the most important force of development is the need to express sexual energy, 'old age pensioners like grapes'
6 of 7
what is the complex called?
for boys its called the oedipus complex and for girls its called electra complex
7 of 7

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Card 2


what is the role of unconscious?


two roles, conscious mind is what you see and visible whereas unconscious is what dictates that

Card 3


what is the structure of personality?


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Card 4


what was defence mechanism?


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Card 5


what are the types of mechanisms?


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