Psychology - Approaches

Which approach operates on the belief that all behaviour is learned?
1 of 20
Who was the founder of the Behaviourist approach?
John Watson
2 of 20
avoidance of something unpleasant through behaviour is...
negative reinforcement
3 of 20
Social Learning Theory is...
learning through observation, imitation, and modelling
4 of 20
What is the acronym for the social learning theory modelling process?
5 of 20
What is sexual selection?
The importance of genetic quality, which suggests increased reproductive fitness
6 of 20
A genotype is...
the entire collection of genes
7 of 20
A phenotype is...
the characteristics arising from an interaction between genes and the enviroenment
8 of 20
Which case study involved a railroad worker's brain being damaged by an iron bar, which resulted in a dramatic personality change?
Phineas Gage
9 of 20
Which case study involved the individual developing epilepsy at an early age, having his hippocampus removed, and the inability to create new memories?
10 of 20
Which theory models the individual as a 'conflicted, driven by unconscious processes'?
11 of 20
The Id is the...
pleasure principle
12 of 20
What is the first stage of psychosexual development
13 of 20
What happens if the baby is overindulged in the oral stage?
they become overly reliant on others
14 of 20
In which stage does the oedipus/electra complex occur?
15 of 20
In which psychosexual stage does libido disperse evenly throughout the body?
16 of 20
What is the aim of psychoanalysis
to work through unconscious conflicts
17 of 20
Is every person capable of reaching self actualisation?
18 of 20
What is the term for when there is a mismatch between self image and ideal self?
19 of 20
It is easier to self actualise when...
you are congruent
20 of 20

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Card 2


Who was the founder of the Behaviourist approach?


John Watson

Card 3


avoidance of something unpleasant through behaviour is...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Social Learning Theory is...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the acronym for the social learning theory modelling process?


Preview of the front of card 5
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