Psychology Approaches

The process in which a person examines their inner world by consciously observing their thoughts and emotions
1 of 22
Trained his participants so that they could give detailed observations from their introspection. Showed that empirical methods can be applied to mental processes
2 of 22
The role of the unconscious, the structure of personality the Id, Ego and Superego, defence mechanisms including repression, denial and displacement, psychosexual stages
Psychodynamic approach
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Seen as the founder of the psychodynamic approach
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The thoughts that you are aware of at any time, including what you are thinking about right now
Conscious thoughts
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Just below the surface of awareness and you can retrieve them relatively easily as a memory or recollection
Preconscious thoughts
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The thoughts buried deep, well below conscious awareness. Even though we are still not aware of their existence, they still exert a great influence on our behaviour
Unconscious thoughts
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The instinct part of the personality. It is our source of unconscious desires and impulses. It demands instant gratification as it seeks to obtain pleasure, it is said to operate on a pleasure principle
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Represents the conscious mind. Its purpose is to balance the Id in society. It is logical and rational and seeks to satisfy the Id in socially acceptable ways. It operates on a reality principle
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Operates on a morality principle. Our internalised same sex parent. Ensures that the ego does not use unacceptable means to satisfy the demands of the Id
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Forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
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Refusing to accept some aspect of reality
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Transferring feelings from a true source of distressing emotions onto a substitute
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Our development occurred in stages and the Id, Ego and Superego would develop during these stages
Psychosexual stages
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Happens during 0-1 years. Focus of pleasure is the mouth, mother's breast is the object of desire. Conflict occurs during weaning. Can lead to oral fixation
Oral stage
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Happens during 1-3 years. Focus of pleasure is the anus- child gains pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces. Conflict occurs during potty training. Can lead to anal retentive or anal expulsive
Anal stage
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Happens during 30-5 years. Focus of pleasure is the genitals. Conflict comes from the Oedipus Complex. Girls experience the Electra Complex
Phallic stage
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Happens during 5 years until puberty. Most sexual desires are represented during this stage. When a child realises that their desire cannot be fulfilled they repress these feelings and focus instead on school, friends, hobbies etc. Fixation at this stage
Latency stage
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Happens during puberty up until adulthood. This stage marks the beginning of mature, adult sexuality. The Id disrupts sexual repression and desires a heterosexual relationship. Unresolved conflict at any stage can be expressed here through difficulty in f
Genital stage
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Case study- A bot that became deathly afraid of horses that he could barely leave his house. Was actually due to the Oedipus Complex
Little Hans
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Boys desire their mothers but are fearful of their father. They believe that he will castrate them if he realises their desire for their mother. They therefore identify with their father and identify with his morals that form part of their Superego
Oedipus Complex
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Girls believe that they had already been castrated by their mother and turn to their fathers in the hope that they might regain a penis (penis envy)
Electra Complex
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Card 2


Trained his participants so that they could give detailed observations from their introspection. Showed that empirical methods can be applied to mental processes



Card 3


The role of the unconscious, the structure of personality the Id, Ego and Superego, defence mechanisms including repression, denial and displacement, psychosexual stages


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Card 4


Seen as the founder of the psychodynamic approach


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Card 5


The thoughts that you are aware of at any time, including what you are thinking about right now


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