
  • Created by: Tia Moore
  • Created on: 26-02-19 19:50
What is internalisation?
Internalisation is when you publicly and privately agree with the values of the group.
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What is Compliance?
Compliance is when you publicly agree but privately disagree with groups values
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What is identification?
Identification is where you value a group, but don't necessarily agree with all values
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What is informational social influence?
ISI is conforming to a group as you believe they are right and you are unsure of own actions
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What is normative social influence?
NSI is conforming to a group to be liked and acceptable with a fear of rejection
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What are 3 evaluation points for explanation to conformity?
1. Lucas et al: math study for ISI 2. Asch research for NSI 3. Individual differences
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What is Asch's experimental aim?
To see if people willingly conformed knowing their answer was incorrect
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What were Asch's findings?
36.8% of participants conformed to every answer. 25% of participants did not conform meaning 75% did at least once.
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What are Asch's three variations?
Group size: 3 confederates= conformity of 30%. Task difficulty: introducing similar lines increased conformity. Unanimity: dissenting conferees lowered conformity to less than 25%
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What was Milgram's experimental aim?
He wanted to understand why the Nazi willinging killed thousands of people. He wanted to study the relationship between obedience and authority.
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What was Milgrams Procedure?
advertised to 40 males aged 20-50 for role of teacher. learner and experimenter present. learner asked questions, if wrong, 'fake' shocked by teacher from 0 volts to 450 volts. prompts made by experimenter to force teacher to continue.
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What was Milgrams Findings?
Estimation before experiment, one 3% would obey. no one stoped before 300 volts and 65% went to 450 volts. teachers showed sign of distress and tension
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What are three evaluation points for Milgrams experiment?
1. ethical issues: lying about harm and deception 2. high external validity: conforming due to authority, generalisable i.e nurses confom to doctors 3. research supply: identical study in french gameshow, 80% went to 450 volts.
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What was zimbardo's aim?
He wanted to see if people would conform to social roles
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What was zimbardo's procedure?
He advertised to American students who were mentally well for prison experiment. ramdomly selected prisoner or guard, with uniforms. prisoners arrested at home without knowledge. experiment to last 2 weeks. guards made set of rules.
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What was zimbardo's findings?
only lasted 6 days. guards were cruel and abusive. prisoners were stripped naked, demasculised, psychologically tortured.
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What are Milgrams 3 variations and findings?
Uniform: lab coat to reg. clothes to 20% conformity. Location: university to run down office 47.5% conformity. Proximal: different rooms to same room 40% conformity.
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What are 3 evaluation points of Milgrams variation?
1. research support of Bickman New York study on uniform. security guard, suit and tie and milkman. asked for money for meter and to pick litter up. 2. cultural replication in Spain 80% conformity. western cultures individualist
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What is agentic state?
taking no responsibility for own actions as we are acting on authority
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What is autonomous state?
taking responsibility for own actions
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What is agentic shift?
going from autonomous state to agentic state due to presence of authority
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What are binding factors?
aspects of situation that ignore the effects of someones behaviour and reduce the moral strain they feel i.e milgrams experiment
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What is legitimacy of authority?
an explanation for obedience that states people are more likely to obey people of authority because they are entrusted by society
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What is destructive authority?
when people use their authority for dangerous reasons i.e hitler
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What is an authoritarian personality and characteristics?
a person who susceptible to obeying authority. they feel contempt towards inferiors and have conventional views of gender, sex and race
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What was Adorno's aim and procedure?
his aim was to understand anti-semitism in the holocaust. procedure: 2000 white American men with attitudes towards other racial groups. they took the f scale which is a way to measure authoritarian personality.
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What was Adorno's findings?
high correlation between authoritarian and prejudice. people who scored high have fixed stereotypes on other groups. had respect and deference for those of higher status.
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What are 2 evaluation points of Adorno's study?
1. limited explanation. doesn't say why of germans killed millions of racial groups. can't all have auth. personality. different explanations at play i.e social identity. 2. milgram interviewed those who scored highly and found small link
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What is social support?
the presence of people who resist conforming/obeying and help others do the same
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What is locus of control?
rotter (1966) proposed people have internal or external LOC. internal being independent and resisting pressure. external being depended and in need of support
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What is an evaluation point of locus of control?
holland repeated milgrams base line study and found 37% of internals did not continue to 450v whereas only 25% of externals did not continue. internals have higher resistance. validity in LOC
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What is an evaluation point of social support?
asch study supports with dissenting participant which allowed naive Pa to resist social pressure. dissenter wore think glasses to allow others to feel free of judgement.
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What is minority influence?
a small group of people influences the beliefs and behaviours of a larger group of people.
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What are the 3 features of minority influence?
Consistency, maintaining the same views and interests overtime. Commitment, demonstrating dedication via activities to gain attention (augmentation principle) Flexibility, being adaptable and accepter counter arguments
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What is the process of change?
the snowball effect. a majorities view changing to. minority views.
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What are 2 evaluation point of minority influence?
1. support of consistency. wood did a meta analysis on 100 studies and showed consistency= more influential. moscovici study showed consistency had a greater effect. 2. minority messages requires thought. martin et al conflicting views
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Compliance?


Compliance is when you publicly agree but privately disagree with groups values

Card 3


What is identification?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is informational social influence?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is normative social influence?


Preview of the front of card 5
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