Psychodynamic Approach

  • Created by: Steph
  • Created on: 26-03-13 11:42
Give two assumptions of the Psychodynamic Approach
1) Our behaviour and feelings are powerfully affected by unconscious motives 2) Our behaviour and feelings as adults are rooted in our childhood experiences
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Give two more assumptions of the Psychodynamic Approach
3) All behaviour has a cause, even slips of the tongue- usually unconscious. All behaviour is therefore determined. 4) Personality is made up of three parts.
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Give another two assumptions of the Psychodynamic Approach
5) Part of the unconscious mind (id and superego) are in constant conflict with conscious part of the mind (Ego). 6) Personality is shaped as the drives are modified by different conflicts at different times in childhood
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What is the conscious?
Contact with the outside world. Mental processes that we're fully aware of (e.g what we'll eat for lunch)
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What is the preconscious and where is it in the levels of consciousness?
Just beneath the surface of awareness. Memories that can be recalled to the consciousness under certain circumstances (e.g images from dreams)
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Where is the unconscious in the levels of consciousness? What is it?
Well beneath the surface of awareness, difficult to retrieve. Hardly ever recalled to our consciousness. (e.g deeply buried memories of early childhood)
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What is repression?
A defence mechanism that buries strong negative emotion deep in the unconscious, which is unable to be brought to the conscious. Protects the ego, can have a powerful influence as an adult.
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How might you be able to tell that someone has repressed a memory?
They might find it easier to remember happy memories because the unhappy ones have been so deeply buried.
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Describe what displacement is.
Putting unacceptable thoughts/wishes onto something or someone else as a way to release anger energy.
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How can phobias be explained by the psychodynamic approach?
Phobias can develop by displacement. A fear/resentment can be redirected onto a fear of something else that a person can cope with, e.g snakes and spiders
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Which component of the personality is the superego?
Social component
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What principle does the ego control and what component of the personality is it?
Controls the reality principle and is the psychological component
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What is the part of the personality that controls the pleasure principle?
The Id
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The superego controls what principle?
The morality principle
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The Id is what component of the personality?
The biological component
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When does the superego develop and what does it do?
Develops around age 6 as a result of experience with authority figures. Tells us what we should do, consists of ideas about right & wrong and gender roles.
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Describe the Id
It's present from birth, instinctive part of the personality. It wants to be satisfied and doesn't tolerate delay or denial of its wishes.
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Which part of the personality moves between levels of consciousness?
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When does the ego develop and what is it?
At age 3, children learn that needs can't always be met instantly. Logical part of the personality.
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The latency stage of psychosexual development is which stage and at which age?
4th Stage, age 6
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At which stage does Freud believe that children go through the Oedipus or Electra complex?
The phallic stage, age 3-6 years
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How old are children when they go through the anal stage of psychosexual development?
2-3 years
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What is the 5th and final stage of psychosexual development?
The genital stage/puberty
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What happens at the latency stage of psychosexual development?
Children adopt gender-appropriate behaviour, have no sexual drive. They form same-sex friendships and are interested in school and sport.
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Name 3 characteristics of an oral receptive personality and why would this be?
Optimistic, gullible, admiring of others. Due to overindulgence of breastfeeding
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Being reckless, creative and disorganised are characteristics of which type of personality?
Anal expulsive
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If no identification is made at the phallic stage of psychosexual development, what personality traits will a person have later in life?
They will be vain, confident, proud, impulsive and self-assured.
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Anal retentive personality means people will be what?
Precise, careful, stubborn, orderly and mean with money.
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4 characteristics of an oral aggressive personality are?
Pessimistic, sarcastic, scornful and envious.
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3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of qualitative data?
Adv: In-depth data so reliable, real-life so valid and rich and detailed so valid. Disadv: Hard to generalise because data is unique, small sample so not reliable, can be subjective because data is gathered in one situation by one person.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give two more assumptions of the Psychodynamic Approach


3) All behaviour has a cause, even slips of the tongue- usually unconscious. All behaviour is therefore determined. 4) Personality is made up of three parts.

Card 3


Give another two assumptions of the Psychodynamic Approach


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the conscious?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the preconscious and where is it in the levels of consciousness?


Preview of the front of card 5
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