Psychodynamic approach

What does psychodynamic mean?
Theory that emphasises change/development in an individual. It drives central concepts and theories. All theories emphasis unconscious motives and desires and how childhood shapes personality.
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Said that behaviour is determined more by psychological factors than biological environment, he assumed that people are born with basic instincts and needs. Behaviour is controlled by the unconscious mind.
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What is the role of the unconscious?

The unconscious mind is inaccessible to conscious thoughts. It controls most of our Everday actions and behaviour.
Most of icebergs are underwater, this represents our unconscious mind as it controls most of our Everday actions and behaviour. However, the
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What did Freud believe about the human mind?
That the mind actively presents traumatic experiences from reaching conscious mind, these cause anxiety, so the mind uses defence mechanisms to prevent this.
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What's the ID?
Operates in unconscious mind and contains biological energy created by reproductive instincts, pleasure principle gets what they want always.
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What's the EGO?
Mediates between impulsive demand of Id- and reality of external world. therefore, it compromises between Id-Superego.
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What is the superego?
What person strives towards and is now mostly determined by parental standards.
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What is a defence mechanism?
Triggered when person faced with situation which they can't deal with rationally. Operate unconsciously works with distorting reality so anxiety is reduced. It stops unpleasant thoughts from being made aware to the person.
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What is repression?
Unconscious mind blocks out unacceptable thoughts/impulses. repressed thoughts influence behaviour without person being aware of reasons behind their behaviour.
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What is denial?
Refusal to accept reality to avoid pain, acts as if traumatic experience didn't happen.
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What is displacement?
Redirecting thoughts and feelings in situations where persons unable to express them towards the correct person, carry out emotions on helpless victim or object.
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What did Freud say about psychosexual stages?
It's the most important driving force in development as its the need to express sexual energy (Libido). Individual experiences tension due to build-up of sexual energy, pleasures come from discharge. Different ways through different parts of body.
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0-2 years old mouth sucking blowing
2-3 years old ego development toilet training
3-6 years old sensual energy focused on genitals, child wants to possess their mother, sees dad as competion so tries to get rid of him.
6-12 years old develops mastery of w
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Part of human mind that contains repressed thoughts and memories, primitive desires and impulses which aren't allowed in conscious mind.
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Card 2




Said that behaviour is determined more by psychological factors than biological environment, he assumed that people are born with basic instincts and needs. Behaviour is controlled by the unconscious mind.

Card 3


What is the role of the unconscious?



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Card 4


What did Freud believe about the human mind?


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Card 5


What's the ID?


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