Psychiatric Damage

Which Court of Appeal case indicated the expression psychiatric damage is preferred over nervous shock?
Attia v British Gas plc [1987]
1 of 6
What must a claimant establish in order to recover damages for psychiatric damages? (2)
Harm over and above ordinary gried and distress. That they have suffered a definite and identifiable psychiatric illness.
2 of 6
How are claimaints divided in the area of psychiatric damage?
Primary and secondary victims.
3 of 6
Is it easier for a primary or secondary victim to sue for damages?
Primary victims.
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Why is it easier for a primary victim to sue for damages?
Courts have been very restrictive with secondary victims and introduced control devices to cut down on the number of potential claims.
5 of 6
Reasons why psychiatric damage is dealt with separately:
Hard to distinguish genuine claim from fictitious one, problem w placing monetary value on this type of harm, "floodgates" problem - psychiatric damage is not so limited as persons not within range of impact may be affected
6 of 6

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Card 2


What must a claimant establish in order to recover damages for psychiatric damages? (2)


Harm over and above ordinary gried and distress. That they have suffered a definite and identifiable psychiatric illness.

Card 3


How are claimaints divided in the area of psychiatric damage?


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Card 4


Is it easier for a primary or secondary victim to sue for damages?


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Card 5


Why is it easier for a primary victim to sue for damages?


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