Other questions in this quiz

2. Brain scan evidence supporting localisation

  • Lashley (1960)
  • Peterson (1988) & Tulving (1994)
  • Dougherty (2002)
  • Mechelli (2004)

3. Animal study supporting plasticity

  • Sperry (1968)
  • Hubel & Weisal (1963)
  • Bezzola (2012)
  • Schneider (2014)

4. Neurosurgical evidence supporting localisation

  • Hubel & Weisal (1963)
  • Dougherty (2002)
  • Holzel (2011)
  • Phineas Gage

5. structure of motor neuron

  • long dendrites, short axons
  • Short dendrites, Long axons
  • long dendrites, long axons
  • Short dendrites, short axons


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