

1. What is an Integer and what is its Pseudocode form?

  • int and decimal number or whole.
  • INT and it is a whole number used to store data that will never have a fractional or decimal value.
  • INTEGER and it is a whole number.
1 of 7

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2. What is Real and what is its pseudocode form?

  • REAL and it is a number that could contain decimal or fractional values.
  • FLOAT and it is a decimal number always.

3. What is a Character and what is its pseudocode form?

  • CHAR and it is any sort of letter, symbol or digit.
  • CHARACTER and it is any letter or number.

4. describe the difference between a constant and a variable

  • A variable can be changed or accessed by a program whereas a constant can only be accessed by a program and not changed.
  • A variable changes and a constant remains the same

5. What is a string and what is its pseudocode form?

  • STRING and it stores a string of characters.
  • STR and it is a long piece of code.


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