
describe the difference between a constant and a variable
A variable can be changed or accessed by a program whereas a constant can only be accessed by a program and not changed.
1 of 19
What is an Integer and what is its Pseudocode form?
INT and it is a whole number used to store data that will never have a fractional or decimal value.
2 of 19
What is Real and what is its pseudocode form?
REAL and it is a number that could contain decimal or fractional values.
3 of 19
What is Boolean and what is its pseudocode form?
BOOL and it can only ever store one of the two values, True or False.
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What is a Character and what is its pseudocode form?
CHAR and it is any sort of letter, symbol or digit.
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What is a string and what is its pseudocode form?
STRING and it stores a string of characters.
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What is used during creating Boolean Expressions?
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What is a sequence?
When a set of instructions are carried out one after the other.
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What is a selection?
A condition to decide the path through the program and which set of intstructions to take.
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What is an iteration?
Where a group of instructions is executed repeatedly until a condition is met or while a condition is true.
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What is a function?
Another part to a program aka a subroutine.
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What is a procedure?
The main program that is fully executed.
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What does the term len mean?
It determines the length of a string
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What does the term print(text[2]) mean?
It prints the character in that position.
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What does the term searchstring mean?
It finds the starting position of a substring within a string of text.
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What does the term concatenation mean?
It combines two strings into a single string.
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What does Upper() or Lower() mean?
It turnsa string that was originally upper case or lower case to the opposite on.
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What does isupper() or islower() mean?
A TRUE value will be returned if the string is what is asked for and if not a FALSE value will be printed.
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What is the difference between a global and a local variable?
A global variable can be found anywhere outside any function whereas a local variable can only be found inside the function.
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is an Integer and what is its Pseudocode form?


INT and it is a whole number used to store data that will never have a fractional or decimal value.

Card 3


What is Real and what is its pseudocode form?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Boolean and what is its pseudocode form?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a Character and what is its pseudocode form?


Preview of the front of card 5
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