
  • Created by: Becca-
  • Created on: 15-06-15 16:26
What's the definition of production?
The process of combining scarce resources to make an output
1 of 8
What's the definition of productivity?
Output per worker
2 of 8
What's the definition specialisation?
Producing only a limited range of goods and services
3 of 8
What's the equation for productivity?
labour/total output= productivity
4 of 8
Name a disadvantage of specialisation
Boredom, Other skills may suffer, High training cost, Quality suffers, Hard to get another job
5 of 8
Name a advantage of specialisation
Increased productivity, Improved skills at job (more valuable), Each worker can do what they're best at/more suited to, High pay for those who are specialised, lower average cost
6 of 8
Name a way to increase productivity
Specailisation, Increasing capital, Training
7 of 8
Name an impact of competition
Lower price, Lower average cost, Higher profits
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What's the definition of productivity?


Output per worker

Card 3


What's the definition specialisation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What's the equation for productivity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name a disadvantage of specialisation


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