Power and Conflict Poetry

  • Created by: Laura0_0
  • Created on: 23-05-17 18:34
Key Quotes for 'Ozymandias'
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" "Half sunk, shattered visage, decay, colossal wreck, boundless and bare, lone and level sands" "sneer of cold command...The hand that mocked"
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Context for 'Ozymandias'
Percy Shelley was known as a 'radical' and this poem is to criticise arrogance and abuse of power
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Key Quotes for 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
"Into the valley of Death, rode the six hundred" "Honour the charge they made! honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!" "Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mounth of Hell"
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Context for 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
In the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War, an incorrect order was given which led to the death of 150 British soldiers. Lord Tennyson was a poet laureatte, so it was his job to recount what happened to the nation.
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Key Quotes for 'Remains'
"probably armed, possibly not" "End of story, except not really." "sort of inside out, pain itself, the image of agony."
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Card 2


Percy Shelley was known as a 'radical' and this poem is to criticise arrogance and abuse of power


Context for 'Ozymandias'

Card 3


"Into the valley of Death, rode the six hundred" "Honour the charge they made! honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!" "Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mounth of Hell"


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Card 4


In the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War, an incorrect order was given which led to the death of 150 British soldiers. Lord Tennyson was a poet laureatte, so it was his job to recount what happened to the nation.


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Card 5


"probably armed, possibly not" "End of story, except not really." "sort of inside out, pain itself, the image of agony."


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