Positive Feedback Loops

What is the definition of a Positive Feedback Loop?
'Positive feedback is a cyclic process that can continue to amplify your body's response to a stimulus until a negative feedback response takes over.' (Andrew Rader Studios, undated)
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Name two examples of Positive Feedback Loops?
Childbirth and Blood Clotting
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Why is childbirth related to Positive Feedback Loops?
'During labor, a hormone called oxytocin is released that intensifies and speeds up contractions. The increase in contractions causes more oxytocin to be released and the cycle goes on until the baby is born.' (Lutz, 2013)
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Why is blood clotting related to Positive Feedback Loops?
'Once a vessel is damaged, platelets start to cling to the injured site and release chemicals that attract more platelets. The platelets continue to pile up and release chemicals until a clot is formed.' (Lutz, 2013)
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Do Positive Feedback loops enhance or inhibit the original stimulus?
Positive Feedback Loops enhance the original stimulus, whereas Negative Feedback Loops inhibit the original stimulus.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name two examples of Positive Feedback Loops?


Childbirth and Blood Clotting

Card 3


Why is childbirth related to Positive Feedback Loops?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is blood clotting related to Positive Feedback Loops?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Do Positive Feedback loops enhance or inhibit the original stimulus?


Preview of the front of card 5


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