Population and pollution

  • Created by: Anjelala
  • Created on: 21-04-13 21:26
Name 3 types of pollution that have caused much concern...
>Carbon dioxide >CFCs >Sulfur dioxide
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Where has Carbon dioxide come from and what does it effect?
It coms fromt he increased burning of fossil fuels ,and it may increase the greenhouse effect and global warming.
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Where does CFCs comefrom and what are 's effects?
It comes from aerosols, which destroys the ozone layer.
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Where does sulphuric dioxide come from and what are its effects?
Sulphuric dioxide comes from the burning of fossil fuels and it causes acid rain.
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What is exponential growth?
Exponential growth is the ever-increasing rate of human population growth in the world.
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What is the reason for exponential growth?
The brith rate is exceeding the death rate .
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Where are the greatest rise in world population occuring?
In under developed land masses like Africa ans India.
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Where are fossils fuels beibng used more?
In the developed world- like USA and Europe.
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What does carbon footprint mean?
The amount of pollution caused per person or organisation.
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What does the cabon footprint measure?
The total greenhouse gas given off by a person or organisation within a certain time.
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How can pollution in the water or air be measured?
By direct methods or indicator organisms.
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What do direct metods for measuring pollution include?
Direct methds include oxygen probs attached to computers that can measure the exact levels of oxygen in a pond. >Special chemicals that can indicate levels of nitrate pollution from fertilisers.
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Examples of indicator species that are used to estimate tlevels of pollution...
> Mayfly Lava is an insect that only live in clean water >Bloodworms can live in polluted waters >Lichen grows on trees and rocks only when the air is clean.
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What is an advantage of using indicator organisms to measure pollution?
It is cheaper and doesnt need equiptment that can go wrong and monitors pollution levels over long periods of time.
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What is an advantage of using direct methods to measre pollution?
They can give more accurate results at any specific time.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where has Carbon dioxide come from and what does it effect?


It coms fromt he increased burning of fossil fuels ,and it may increase the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Card 3


Where does CFCs comefrom and what are 's effects?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where does sulphuric dioxide come from and what are its effects?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is exponential growth?


Preview of the front of card 5
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