population dynamics

allows anyone to come to live in a country. countries may run advertising campaigns abroad (usually aimed at certain groups) to encourage people to come and live in their country. their is an open-door policy for migration between EU countries
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this restricts the number of people allowed into a country per year. can be a total number allowed, a total number from a particular area or particular type of person.
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skills tests
potential migrants have to pass a skills test. this ensures that only highly skilled and qualified migrants are allowed. it may also involve a points system where you have to have skills in certain areas to get enough points to qualify to be alloud
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resources that dont need to be managed to renew themselves ( e.g wind, sunshine)
4 of 6
non renewable
fixed amounts available and can't be remade/renewed over a short period of time ( e.g coal)
5 of 6
resources that can be managed so they renew themselves ( e.g Wood)
6 of 6

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Card 2


this restricts the number of people allowed into a country per year. can be a total number allowed, a total number from a particular area or particular type of person.



Card 3


potential migrants have to pass a skills test. this ensures that only highly skilled and qualified migrants are allowed. it may also involve a points system where you have to have skills in certain areas to get enough points to qualify to be alloud


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Card 4


resources that dont need to be managed to renew themselves ( e.g wind, sunshine)


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Card 5


fixed amounts available and can't be remade/renewed over a short period of time ( e.g coal)


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Amy Thompson/wood


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