
What is the population distribution?
How people are spread out over the globe
1 of 12
What is the population density?
The average number of people per square kilometre
2 of 12
What are factors that decrease birth rate?
Better health care, family planning, women choosing a career first, couples having children later.
3 of 12
What does the Demographic Transition Model show and how many stages are there?
The model shows change in population over time and there are 4 stages
4 of 12
How do birth rate, death rate and life expectancy vary between a LEDC and an MEDC?
An LEDC has a higher birth and death rate but a lower life expectancy
5 of 12
What causes an aging population?
Decrease in birth rate and better medical services that result in a greater life expectancy
6 of 12
What are the human features that can cause people to move
Better jobs, better houses, better living conditions
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What are the physical features that cause people to move?
Disease, famine, poor living conditions
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What are the consequences of urbanisation?
Increase in number of Jobs in service sector; Increase in car ownership causes congestion and pollution; Clean water, sanitation, health centres and power not available. Insufficient schools; Retail jobs lost to out of town locations; Poor quality ho
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What are the causes of counter urbanisation?
High crime rates; Pollution; Clean air; More of a community spirit; Poor services; Cheaper living; Peaceful Environment; Retirement; Traffic congestion
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How can urbanisation be managed?
Rubbish recycling schemes; Improve public transport (Trams); Redevelopment Regenerate city centres for Retail; Use of Brownfield sites; Gentrification; congestion charges; park and ride schemes
11 of 12
What stage of the Demographic Transition Model shows the most rapid increase in population?
Stage 2 as the death rate rapidly decreases
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the population density?


The average number of people per square kilometre

Card 3


What are factors that decrease birth rate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the Demographic Transition Model show and how many stages are there?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do birth rate, death rate and life expectancy vary between a LEDC and an MEDC?


Preview of the front of card 5
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