
What is the difference between polymers and polymerisation?
Polymers are plastics and Polymerisation produces plastics
1 of 7
What must the monomer have to form a polymer?
To form a polymer, the monomer must have a double bond
2 of 7
What does the monomer form?
Monomer -> polymer (= poly(monomer)
3 of 7
What does ethylene become in polymerisation?
Ethylene -> Polyethylene
4 of 7
[what] monomers give [what] properties?
Different monomers give different properties
5 of 7
What is a thermosetting plastic?
A thermosetting plastic is a plastic which does not soften
6 of 7
Why do thermosetting plastics not soften?
Thermosetting plastics do not soften because the strong covalent bonds are too strong to break down
7 of 7

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Card 2


What must the monomer have to form a polymer?


To form a polymer, the monomer must have a double bond

Card 3


What does the monomer form?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does ethylene become in polymerisation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


[what] monomers give [what] properties?


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