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6. 9. What does Francis do to 'close doors to the future'?

  • Burn the address of the doctor who offered to fix his face
  • Buy a gun
  • Burn all his belongings

7. 4. How did Larry LaSalle win his Silver Star?'

  • Falling on a grenade
  • Capturing an enemy machine gun nest
  • Losing his legs

8. 5. What made Francis start wearing the scarf and bandages to hide his scarred face?

  • A small boy saw him in London and cried with fright
  • When his friend in the hospital gave him his silk scarf
  • When he looked in the mirror at the hospital

9. 8. What does Francis have to do to enlist?

  • Change his name
  • Forge his age on his birth certificate
  • Go to Canada